Friday, July 15, 2005

Blog Surfing

I have been Blog Surfing of late. Most of the time I hit a "dud" so to speak, oh the variety of topics you will find!!! From one blog totally devoted to the woes of potty training (the last diaper I changed - excluding grandbabies - was over 20 years ago) to how to buy the PERFECT digital camera - (yawn, yawn, yawn) - to young girls who are in a foreign country as an exchange student - (the first 150 photos were interesting) - to public blogs set up for families who live miles and miles apart but use blogging to keep in touch, kinda like a chain letter that gets to everyone at one time rather than being sent to Aunt Mary for her to add her remarks to and send on to Cousin Jack for him to add to and send on to Grandpa Fred etc etc etc, you get the idea. (I actually always thought this would be kinda cool, but like most of those chain letter things it probably would not stay alive very long). I will NOT give details about the blog that I recommended to my son...we both work in offices and it was a blog of office humor, the early posts where hilarious and we could both relate to some of the posts, as it went along I am pleased to say both my son and I decided it had gotten out of control and we both quit reading it. (thank you Ryan, and please DON'T tell anyone I suggested you read that garbage!!!)

Once in a while I stumble on a blog that I can either relate to the topic (ie. quilting or scrapbooking) or maybe the blog title will grab my attention which is the case with Darlene Schacht's blog, What Would Jesus Blog? I read a couple of her current postings and was thrilled with the humor, so very much like my dear-dear pal Franki, who lives too far away for me to get a daily dose of her mocking, fun, silly humor.

I could tell this gal had that "let's not waste a second of life", "life is a party and that is what we are gonna do!!" type personality. So..I did what I usually do when I find a blog that just might hold my interest for 30 minutes or so, I found her very first post and started reading. She has almost 7 months worth of posts, and thus far I have not found one that did not touch my heart in one way or another. She writes about her darling children and their antics, she writes about her hubby (oh how we love to write about our hubby's - I just gotta get braver and tell the whole truth and NOTHING but the truth where hubby is concerned.) She writes about the less desirable situations and people she has encountered throughout the course of her day.

What really caught my attention was her way of sharing Jesus through her posts. Not many of us can relate our walk with Jesus to having a baby puke on you...and hitting your mouth no less! Not many of us can share the love of Jesus when we tell about the twin brother and sister that went to her elementary school whom she later found out where really both male, but something went horribly wrong following their birth and one was forced to live as a girl, then a guy..and then killed himself.

Darlene shares about the time her dear sweet little son, Graham, shared with his mommy that he could feel God and the Spirit living in his little body. What wouldn't a mom or grandma give to hear those words? Reading this post reminded me of my own darling boys, both at age 5, sharing that Jesus lived in their hearts and they wanted to tell the whole world, which Roy did on Christmas Sunday 1984 when his "grandpa" Elmer Goodwin baptized him and Ryan 2 years later on Christmas Sunday 1986 when his daddy baptized him. I hadn't thought about those precious moments for a while. Memories are wonderful!

Now I am going on and on when what I really wanted to do was to simply invite you to visit Darlene's blog. Darlene has given me permission to add a link to her blog, so you will find her blog link under "Favorite Places to Go". Check it out, I know you will enjoy.

As for me...I am going to try to figure out how to get Darlene to come as a guest speaker...I am sure she will fit right in, after all if she and her pal can sit on the sofa in their PJ's, drinking diet Pepsi (the best choice!!) and burping, she isn't too far away from joining us for our PJ fashion show at camp in January!

OK, back to reading, thus far I have only made it to the middle of February.

1 Secrets:

At Saturday, July 16, 2005 10:47:00 AM, Blogger Darlene Schacht Shared the joy...

You have touched my heart today, thank you so much for your kind words. Wow!


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