Monday, July 24, 2006

One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.
One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few."
~Anne Morrow Lindbergh~
I laughed out loud when I read this weeks "In 'Other' Words..." thought. You see, my dear husband and I have been in a "clean sweep" mode for a couple of years.
Oh we would love to have the TLC Clean Sweep Crew arrive in our teeny tiny little town, drive down our street and stop in front of our home. Fortyeight hours later they will lead us, eyes closed into My Creative Mind (aka, my sewingroom) and then into hubby's shop (aka the basement). We will slowly open our eyes and stand in silence, dazed and amazed by the transformations. That is in a dream world...and a nightmare world as well.
You've seen the show...those people are ruthless...they force you to make on the spot decisions about the treasures which have grown more near and dear to your heart, items that you find yourself gasping over when they are placed in the "toss pile" or worst yet marked with a $1. tag to be sold at a garage sale....eewwwww! I can think of nothing worst than having my neighbors rummaging through my stuff. double eeeeewwwwwww!
You've seen the show...they kick you out of your house...they tear down walls where once there were walls, they put up walls where once there were none, then they paint them with colors that are so bright they would keep you up at night.
Not our style. We like making our own decisions about when our treasures become junk and where and how to dispose of it all.
As we have gone from the "married with kids ~ count the shoes on the porch to know how many kids are inside" time of our lives and moved into the "empty nesters ~ for your own peace of mind, please knock before entering our home" and are now in the "retired and loving life too much to wanna spend time dealing with stuff" mode we have discovered how much stuff we can joyfully do without.
We are slowly moving from one room of our home to the next creating a new look. A "less is more" kinda life.
When our oldest son married and I was no longer the only female in the family we decided to re-do the boys' bedroom into a real GUEST room, complete with pink and purple and flowers and lace. A bed with a bright quilt, freshly painted and stenciled nightstands and fun lamps, add a dresser and a chair...nice, simple, uncluttered. (an aside, for those who have slept in that room within the last 4 years - - I know it doesn't look like that now, but it did before all of my momma's sewing room ended up in that room!, someday it will look that way again...someday!)
This past spring we remodeled our kitchen...and took 2 loads of "no longer needed but still usuable" items to the local thrift shop, and plenty made it's way to the trash. We have 5 grandkids...why did we have more than one favorite cup for each of them? Tupperware, I sold the stuff for years...need I say more???
When we remodeled the kitchen we took the wall out between the kitchen and our got it, we had to then re-do our bedroom...which was so fun, we now have a nice romantic bedroom. Again we sorted through everything. Personally it was rather freeing to toss all those pants that I know I will never fit into again, and if by some chance I ever get to that size again...well, I will deserve NEW stuff then!!! We were able to remove a 7 drawer dresser from our bedroom by donating and tossing clothing.
We are finding that the less we have in our home, the more we have gained.
We have gained time ~ it takes much less time to clean house. Dusting is the one chore we both hate, well...with less furniture in our home dusting is a snap (it's hubby's job, please don't tell him I said it was a snap). We can spend our "gained" time together doing things we enjoy...this summer we have spent an incredible amount of time in our yard...and loving every moment.
We have gained freedom from guilt. My father-in-law passed away over 20 years ago. Mother-in-law sold their home shortly there after. Truck load after truck load of tools, shop equipment, lapidary equipment and supplies ended up in our basement. It was very hard for my husband to realize he did not need all of what was there, that he did not have an interest in some of it, some of it was unusable alot of it outdated. As hubby has been able to let go of most of these items he has been freed emotionally. He has also gained alot of space for the things he does enjoy having and working with.
As with my husband, I am working through my mother's sewingroom boxes that are stacked in the guestroom. I am thankful that I can find the things that will be life treasures or things that I know will be used and can give away the rest, WITHOUT guilt. Freeing.
One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.
One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few."
By clean sweepinig our home from time to time we can see, enjoy and focus on our "shells" better when we don't have to spread ourselves thin caring for so many shells that we loose track of the shells that are beautiful and important.

6 Secrets:

At Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:00:00 AM, Blogger Jana Shared the joy...

That show scares me! Keep your hands off my stuff! But clearly, stuff is not what's really important in life. Thanks for a great post!

At Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous Shared the joy...

I love that show!! Clean sweeping our home has given us alot of freedom, freedom from the past but also freedomin the takes very little time to get this place back in order...I love it....though it was hard sorting through the was worth the end result. I guess God must feel that way sometimes about us :)

At Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:35:00 AM, Blogger Amydeanne Shared the joy...

I love clean sweep! It's funny, how the older we get our view of what's important changes! Thanks for your insight!

At Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:06:00 AM, Blogger ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Shared the joy...

I've also enjoyed watching Clean Sweep and though it sounds wonderful to have someone "help" clean sweep my home, it indeed sounds scary too!

I loved the way you interpreted this quote. Good job!

At Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:40:00 AM, Blogger Darlene Schacht Shared the joy...

I love the free feeling that I get when my house goes on a diet, and loses those unwanted pounds :)

At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:46:00 AM, Blogger Patricia Shared the joy...

I think I am right where you are - though I still have an extra pair of shoes on the porch! I loved reading this! Blessings ~ Patricia


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