Sunday, August 20, 2006

Doing the Can-Can

We hit the ground running, my sister, Ed and I....and this is what we accomplished in a 24 hr period of time:
62 half pints and 32 pints
18 quarts and 1 pint
Garlic Jelly
23 jelly jars and 3 half pints
Sweet Hot Mustard
8 half pints
We also managed to peel a half bag of garlic...not much but we were hopping in the kitchen and only took short breaks in the yard to peel the garlic while we were waiting for a canner to finish or for the salsa to cook down.
This is how the garlic...a whole lotta garlic...arrived, on the top of her car, they had a 5 hr drive and did not want to smell it the whole way. Ed will be peeling garlic for days, maybe weeks...pickled garlic, minced garlic and garlic oil will be showing up in each of our pantry's.
Not sure how we fit in all that we did but we made these cell phone charms during a "down time" know, I think we had more than 24 hrs because there was no way to have done all that we did in just one day. Cell phone charms...what will they think of next? To be honest, I like adding a bit of my own personalilyt ot anything that is a must in my life and for me a cell phone is a must.
And the rest of the story...tuna, salsa, garlic jelly, mustard, great time with my sister ~ both the laughter and the tears, towels that stink, hands that stink, a floor that would not pass a health inspectors visit, yellow jackets swarming, cats begging, hot flashes, POP POP POP as jars would seal, I would not trade a single moment of our day for anything! I love you sissy!

1 Secrets:

At Monday, August 21, 2006 10:09:00 PM, Blogger Gia Shared the joy...

OH MY GOSH what ARE you going to do with all that tuna, garlic jelly etc? If you eat it all, you are going to stiiiiiiiiiiiiiink! It's a good thing you can eat it together and then stink together! ha ha ha


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