Monday, November 13, 2006

1,000 Blessings in My Life ~~ Part Four

55. Flavored coffee creamer in an evening cup of coffee
56. Elevator kisses
57. Sharp scissors
58. A challenging sermon
59. Unexpected calls ~ 2 in done day!
60. Reading my son's blog
61. Ice cream at Cold Stones when a hot latte would have been a smarter choice
62. Stormy evening quietly reading a book while hubby does the same
63. A sleeping cat on my lap
64. Comfortable routines
65. Another Christmas gift finished and crossed off my list
66. Anticipation of upcoming events
67. A good job with
68. Great benefits
69. Finding my chapstick in the same place in my purse.
70. My favorite coffee mug
71. Seeing pink ribbons, knowing that women are taking care of themselves.
72. Quilts! It's colder here now and we've bumped it up to 3 quilts on the bed.
73. Flannel sheets during the cooler months (hubby's favorite!)
74. Crisp cotton sheets during the warmer months (my favorite!)
75. A local library stocked with great books, and if they don't have what you are looking for...they'll find it!
76. Small town living. Can't be beat!
77. Medical technology.
78. A young and bubble-y MaryKay lady who knows her stuff.
79. A new hobby/interest for my retired hubby
80. Lavendar scented shampoo
81. A world full of music in so many varieties.
82. Reliable friends
83. Loving family members
84. Fluffy white clouds
85. Remembering Ed Bradley, CBS reporter
86. Wearing my winter sweaters that have been packed away since spring
87. The philosophy of a "pay it forward" lifestyle continues to catch on with various fun twists
88. A safe nursing home for my mother to live in, where she is loved and cared for.

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