Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Go ahead, I'll ..... Make My Day! offers too many of them!

Choices to make each day: what do I want to wear-slacks or a skirt?, what do I want to read, one cup of coffee or two, do I want to eat-if so, what?, straighten my hair or leave it curly, go to bed early or stay up late.

So often we are consumed by the physical choices in our day to day life...what about the mental and spiritual choices we make each day either consiously or unconsiously...what shall I meditate on today, how will I let this or that situation effect my attitude and actions, smile and wave at this or that person or pretend I don't see them (knowing my choice will effect their day!)

My boss came out of his office a little while ago and said "Is it going to be a good day today?" (referring to the DJIA/NYSE) and my response: "It already is." (not referring to the market) Which I am sure totally through him off since my first cup of coffee is still half full, I still have a stack of papers to sort through and I have not caught up with the things that have happened overnight which will impact my days work.

It is my choice to make today "a good day" or to "let the turkeys get me down". (NOT referring to my boss!~I say this because his wife reads my blog ;-) )

Choices: who will judge if my choices have been good or not so good today? Choices: will I choose to let someone else's attitudes and actions effect what I do and think today? Choices: will the choices I make today offer hope and peace to those around me or will someone walk away from me today sorry they were in my presence? Choices: will I leave someone wondering what is making me tick, or will I tick someone off? Choices: when I lay my head on my pillow tonight will sleep come easily or will I toss and turn wishing I could "un-do" something I did or take back something I said?

I would much rather say that every time
you make a choice
you are turning the central part of you,
the part of you that chooses,
into something a little different
from what it was before.
~CS Lewis in Mere Christianity~

Choices: Make good ones today

2 Secrets:

At Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:23:00 PM, Blogger Kari Shared the joy...

So if your boss's wife didn't read your blog, would you have let that comment imply that he is a turkey? Just checkin'.

At Friday, October 28, 2005 8:16:00 PM, Blogger Pam Shared the joy...

Let me get back to you on that.


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