Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I'm gonna get shot for telling this story...

...but it is too funny to pass up.

Upon finding out that a family we know is (unexpectingly) expecting their 4th child our oldest grandson, (the oldest of 3 children in his family and who 13 years old) made some remark to his mom about 4 children being too many kids.

"We thought about having another baby." replied his mom.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes, we gave it some serious consideration for a while." she said.

"I guess 4 wouldn't be too bad, why don't you have another baby now, that might be kinda cool?!" he said as he was warming up to the idea.

"We can't."

"Sure you can."

Looking him straight in the eye his mother said a bit more firmly....."No, son, we CAN'T."

"Why not?" he persisted.

"Because your dad was fixed."

"What does that mean?"

Mom did her best to provide a suitable explanation to her 13 year old son, then...

"GROSS!, that is so not right! That is just plain wrong!"

Later that night when mom was replaying the conversation to dad...

"Did you have to say "fixed?"

Hey, I thought she handled it pretty good...I would have just said "Your dad was whacked."

3 Secrets:

At Thursday, December 01, 2005 9:36:00 AM, Blogger Dallas Shared the joy...

Cute, very cute.

At Thursday, December 01, 2005 6:25:00 PM, Blogger Unknown Shared the joy...

i always say my husband is fixed too. but maybe now i'll start saying he's whacked. hehehehehehe

At Friday, December 02, 2005 3:44:00 AM, Blogger sparrow's song Shared the joy...

whacked? Egads! Hahahaha. Stick with 'fixed'.

I love your blog decor!


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