Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What can brown do for you?

Years ago, when my boys were little, my mother would send the boys a box of this and that from time to time. Momma always did a great job of making sure there was 2 of each item, and always a variety of things from stickers to socks to a dollar with a sticky note attached that read "Grandpa wants you to get an ice cream cone today" or some other such note. It was a real blessing to us during those financially rough years of medical expenses, quickly out grown tennis shoes, and feeding 2 growing boys with hollow legs.

I would be in the kitchen fixing lunch or occupied elsewhere in the house and all of the sudden one or both of the boys would start yelling "The Porch Package Man is here! The Porch Package Man is here!" and the race to the front door would begin. Seldom did Porch Package Man even make it to the steps before he was surrounded by 2 little guys jumping up and down totally oblivious to the fact that they might not have shoes on and it is raining...or they might still have their jammies on and it is 3 in the afternoon- - - Didn't matter...the PORCH PACKAGE MAN had arrived and life will stand still!

The Christmas that the boys were 3 and 5 yrs old Porch Package Man came to our home and, as usual, the boys ran to greet him- and stopped dead in their tracks...OH Porch Package Man had a LARGE package...a heavy package...a GIANT package. So the boys backed away as Porch Package Man was allowed to bring it all the way into the house, rather than just hand over the goods at the steps. The label read Ryan Thomas Gwillim and the return label read Sears. I had not ordered anything. I was sure Ed hadn't either...and I KNEW Ryan hadn't, but sure enough the address label said Ryan Thomas Gwillim, so it must be right. OK, it took both of the boys to drag the box to the middle of the floor where I split the seal with a pair of scissors (why do we not think ahead to grab the camera at times like this??). Ryan pulled the top flap down and POP!!! the box burst open, and knocked Ryan over as a 6 ft tall (and just as round!) stuffed Winnie the Pooh exploded out...oh the laughter, oh the fun. Evidently my mother had entered all 13 of her grandchildren in a drawing at Sears for this huge Winnie the Pooh dressed like Santa, complete with red suit and hat - - and Ryan was the winner!!

Winnie the Pooh became Ryan's pal...they slept together...although Winnie took up more than his half of the bed...Winnie had a place at the table when we ate...Winnie went to preschool (only once!)..Winnie went on trips...Winnie lived at our house until long after Ryan had graduated from High School. During Winnie's last week with us he was found in various spots around the house and yard (in the hammock, in a lawn chair, in the garden swing, in front of the TV, in the bathtub). Then one day he went to live with another family...where I am sure he was loved and treasured all over again.

On the day Winnie arrived Porch Package Man was promoted to a higher level...and so was Ryan's grandma!

The UPS man comes to our office a couple of times each week. Boring office stuff spills out of the boxes he leaves. Never anything fun. Never a 6 ft Winnie the Pooh...I think I need to have a talk with Mr. Brown.

1 Secrets:

At Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:06:00 AM, Blogger Dallas Shared the joy...

What a great story and memory. Thanks for sharing it.


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