Sunday, March 19, 2006

What's in a Name?? A Lot!

Lots of things going on at our house and in our lives right now, not ready to share much of it until things settle down a bit...but when my mind is full of the stress of immediate life I like to "run away", at least in my know, if you ignore it (whatever "it" maybe) it will go away...hey let me live in my fantasy for a while...please. my trip down memory lane took me back to my funny dad! Oh how he loved his grandbabies and great grandbabies. As each baby was born he would send flowers to the momma with a note stating "Good job, love dad" I kept both cards that were attached to the flowers I recieved. He would get himself into a chair and then ask to have a baby brought to long as the baby was happy he would sit for the longest time with that precious children craddled in his strong and safe arms, one proud grandfather!! I will never forget seeing him hold my babies for the first time. Being the youngest of 5 I had watched him hold many grandbabies before my children were born, I knew my time would come...and I knew it would be a memory for me to treasure forever, and it has.

My dad had a way of nick-naming his kids, grandkids and great-grandkids. Those nicknames stuck with each person, no matter how old one was, no matter what or who was around...once you were named...there was no going back. Sadly I can't remember everyone's nickname...but here are a few:

I was always known by Hamilnut. (my maiden name is Hamilton) Do you think I should have asked why? It didn't matter, that was what I was and that was the way it was...
Our oldest son, Roy was known by "Little Roy" Even when he was all grown up and out on his own!
Our youngest son, Ryan was known by "Rowdy"...sometimes "Little Rowdy"
My brother Gary, I always remember daddy calling him "Buddy"
Brother Gary's youngest son, "Hard Head" and his daughter "Pumpernickle"
My older brother's daughter was always "Traci-Roo"
My sister's daughter, Mandy, was known as "Tuffer", her son, "AJ" and Mandy's daughter "Macs"

I know I have missed waaay too many nicknames...daddy was so creative that no one missed out on getting a special ID...If I remember any, I will add them...and if anyone is reading this and remembers one or two, please speak up.

Our oldest son is named after both of his grandfathers, we took both of these great men's middle names and named our first born, Roy (after my father) Davies (after my father-in-law).

1 Secrets:

At Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:18:00 AM, Blogger ~Mandy~ Shared the joy...

What about Grandma's nickname?


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