Thursday, August 25, 2005


I have been in the hospital and away from the computer all week. I am just now catching up on Rebekah's story.

I am just amazed and thankful that the blogging community I am a part of has embraced little Rebekah and her mommy, daddy and little sister, Sarah. Isn't God good!!! That isn't a question it is a full blown statement. Our God is so very good.

About the time I was able to catch up on Rebekah a call had gone out for more intense prayer for this precious angel, and she was already in and out of surgery and her daddy was posting some good news. Although I had no idea what the issue was I knew I was to pray for Rebekah, so I did, and I continue to do so.

Rebekah, close your little eyes and feel the presense of Jesus...mommy and daddy, you too. close your eyes and feel His touch. I am so thankful our God is so near, so personal, so loving and faithful.

I know there was/is a prayer vigil going on for Rebekah that Darlene has organized. I feel blessed to know that so many are taking things on and organizing and helping. Rebekah's page is full of those who live close enough to physically help out, or purchase bracelets. What a wonderful community we "live in"

Rebekah...we are praying for you sweetie. Mommy and Daddy and Sarah, we are praying for you too. All those Grandma's and grandpa's and uncles and aunts, you are being prayed for as well. God is in control, and we can be comforted by this knowledge.

4 Secrets:

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:54:00 PM, Blogger steve Shared the joy...

Thanks so much for talking about her on your blog. Her whole family are friends of mine and dear to my heart. Please visit her site and leave comments as much as you can. Her MOm and Dad REALLY appreciate (and need) the comments. Just got an email from her dad and hour ago asking for more prayer. Please talk to everyone you knwo about her and her story. get people to visit her site.

God is Good!

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:08:00 PM, Blogger Jenny Shared the joy...

I saw your comment tonight on Rebekah's blog. What wisdom you have! I was so moved in reading it that I just had to come here and tell you to Rock on Sister in Christ! You are awesome for sharing such good advice with the Adams family.


Take care!

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:50:00 PM, Blogger Darlene Schacht Shared the joy...

I knew you were a prayer warrior, and I wondered where you were. You're back now and you're fighting evil with good. You go girl!

At Friday, August 26, 2005 9:29:00 PM, Blogger Lucy Stern Shared the joy...

It's great to see so many people praying for this little girl and her family. I have been telling several of my friends about her and they are adding her to their prayer lists.


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