Sunday, August 14, 2005
Hi! I'm Pam and I live
on the Southern Oregon Coast, United States
Married to the love of my life, Ed, for 28 years. Mom to Roy and Ryan. Mom-in-law to Naomi. Second mom to Albert & Angela, "kids" God gave us when He knew what we needed more than we knew what we needed. Grandma to 5 beautiful grandkids, Rex-Tristan-Kaitlyn-Madelyn-Jason. Care-giver to my dear momma, Avis, who is a stroke victim. I love Jesus more than anything or anyone in this world. My passion is creating quilts for children who are housed in orphanages around the world, awaiting a family and home to call their own. THANKS FOR STOPPING BY, PLEASE PIN MY MAP
2 Secrets:
I love your photos Pam! It is good to see that you have joined the blogging world, I will bookmark your site and check back often. Have a great day!
Jen Leeper
Jen...funny you should post...I was getting ready to write and ask you for your departure date. AMOR will miss you, but it has been a struggle for you for sometime and God will now use you elsewhere to bless others. Praying for you!
PS I check both you and Tams Blog daily...waiting to hear more from each of you
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Blessings! from Pam...
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