Monday, September 12, 2005

The Time Has Come and Other Grumblings

In just over 2 hours I return to the office. It has been 3 long weeks of surgery, recovery and boredom. Am I ready to return to the office? Well, my mind is - - - I am going crazy sitting here day after day...but I don't think my body is as willing as my mind is. I guess time will tell if I am really ready, I am prepared to leave the office early and return to the recliner for the afternoon and to try it again tomorrow morning.

The hair from hell. Yep...that is what I have now-a-days. Why oh why do I think I need to do something "different" with my hair when I don't even have a brain to remember my middle name? Those papers you sign when going under for surgery...I think they should not only include "do not make any important decisions" but "do not cut or perm your hair" for a month following antheisia. So, this morning I will be trying to tame the beast that has taken up residency on my head.

"I couldn't sleep last night", so says hubby as he comes into the livingroom an hour ahead of his usual waking time. Your telling me?? I am the one who moved to the recliner 3 hrs ago because your not sleeping was "helping" me to not sleep as well.

OK, OK, enough of the whining...enough of the procrastinating...enough of all this monkey business. I gotta get up, put my face something with the hair from hell. The office awaits me and I am sure my desk will be piled high with "urgent" "immediate attention requested" and other such notices...I am sure I will spend the day shredding such memo's...after all, most of it has been sitting there for 3 wks, unattended to.

Next post will be so uplifting you will wonder what happened to Pam!!!

2 Secrets:

At Monday, September 12, 2005 5:41:00 PM, Blogger Valerie Shared the joy...

Hi Pam - How did your first day at work go??? BTW - my hairdresser told me to not have my hair done a month before AND after surgery due to the chemicals and anesthesia. So, now you know!!!! Hope you had a good day!

At Monday, September 12, 2005 7:06:00 PM, Blogger Pam Shared the joy...

gee Paula, what a pal, could you not have given me that info before my hair appt last wk? As it is, 2 shampoos down, should relax in wks or so.

The whole idea behind this new do was to save me some time in the morning, used to spend a minimum of 1 hr, wanted to get it down to something like 20-30 minutes- - - this morning was over 90 minutes!

As for work today:
arrived late (yep, hair issues and took a quick nap) took a long lunch (power nap), left early (back had had enough!!). Sure wish I was still on salary!! Hopefully by this time next wk I will be back in full swing.


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