Saturday, August 27, 2005

Victories, all shapes, all sizes

Please read today's post about our dear precious friend Rebekah. Her daddy was able to get video footage while she had a few moments of being the darling little girl we know is in there.

Praise and blessings!!!

Last night the family had a "breakthrough" so to speak and it is worth reading about as well. Let's find the funny, but necessary moments when and where we can.

Oh Rebekah, Mommy, Daddy and "Chi-chi" too! we are praying and praying hard. God is showing us blue sky beyond the clouds...And we are thankful!

Being a family who walked through so many months and years and continue to walk a path of disease, we know how little it takes to find a others these moments of "normalcy" are just that, a normal action, normal feeling, normal-everyday-life those who know you cannot feed a body for days on end without some - - shall we say, outcome - - when it happens...shout a victory!!! Find the victory in all things...ALL THINGS no matter what the clean up time might be. For every ounce they consume and every ounce they manage to maintain, Praise God!

During this time of "keeping tabs" on Rebekah, I have re-lived some of my son's earlier years. I wonder how the Adams family does what they do, and then I remember how we did what we did.

Like the Adams family, we did not, do not have to walk this alone. We had/have a wonderful church family, neighbors, friends and relatives that went over and above the call of duty to do what needed to be done. (Nancy(my sister), thank you for lugging 3 ppls luggage all over LA looking for a decent place for us to stay while Ryan was at UCLA...oh my I could not believe you did that, thank you seems so little, and when you left...the bill was paid for us through the rest of our stay!!!) My mom was there every step of the way. If she could not be there physically, she and dad sent money..they paid for lodging...they kept our oldest, thank you for Bacon, Lettuce and Tomoto Sandwiches- at just the right time!...And there were those times when I thought I would have to go through a yet another particularly greuling OHSU surgery with my son alone, only to look up and find my mother or my sister walking in the waiting room. Oh, you have no idea how much that meant to me. Like Scott, my husband could not be there through it all, but when he could he was. I fear that we walked through those early years in a fog and have forgotten to tell each of you how much it meant for us to have you there with us.

Fast forward 23 years. How does this young man manage without his mommy to help him along, or his brother (only 2 years older) to alert us when something "isn't right" or intervene when the school could not get ahold of us right away, or his daddy to hold him (or hold his mommy) after a long night of working at the lumber mill? How does this young man get by each night without his "Jesus Bug" (Glowworm, who lit up and shined like Jesus does in our lives-don't ask, that is how we justified it...And BTW, Jesus Bug is packed away in a special box- not sure mommy can part with Jesus Bug yet!)

Today, our son lives 18 hrs away from us, he makes his own Dr appts, and has the gaul to not tell me word for word what is said (:-) He finds reasons to celebrate pretty much each day, he PAYS HIS OWN BILLS!!! And although he is not free from disease, he is living his life to the fullest, he is working for his Father in Heaven, he is reaching out to those who are so very much less fortunate than himself. He is making a difference in a world that is full of sadness, and he is the most positive person I know. He takes NOTHING for granted, not one second of his life. Oh, son, we are so very proud of you.

Victories, yes, they come in all shapes and sizes from a sister who is there no matter what (even being with me in LA the night before her first grandchild is to be Colorado...she flew out of LA and into Colorado Springs just in time!) a mom and dad (grandma and grandpa) who loved their "Little Rowdy" enough to do anything to help ANYTHING, a brother who knew symptoms well enough to be there when mommy and daddy couldn't be, a school staff that was sorta willing to learn and be of help at various times. A church family who carried much of the financial responsibility for trips to Portland, Eugene and Los Angeles for treatments and surgeries. From victories shaped like Jesus Bug hooked up to a breathing apparatus (the only way our son would take a treatment was if Jesus Bug was taking one too!) Duck Tales...30 minutes each afternoon when mom could rest on the couch while the boys watched TV, they would NOT move an inch if Duck Tales were on.

Victories, when I look back I can see them on each and every corner. Thank you all who shared our victories and continue to do so. We know the power behind "bearing one another's burdens" and pray each member of the Adams family are as full of victory and blessing as we continue to be.

OK, I will now return from memory lane, come down from my emotional spot tonight, but will never cease giving thanks and praise for all who walked with us.

2 Secrets:

At Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:12:00 AM, Blogger Rebekah Christine Shared the joy...

Thank you for sharing Pam. I shed tears of delight for you, your family and your son.

It is our prayer that one day we too will be able to scribe similar words.

-Rebekah's Daddy

At Sunday, August 28, 2005 8:51:00 PM, Blogger Pam Shared the joy...

Rebekah's daddy...oh my friend, it is EVERYONE'S pray... and I will post it in living color on my blog!!!


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