Sunday, December 18, 2005

Cutie Patootie!

Isn't this just the cutest little Flower Girl you have ever seen?

My niece, Mandy, was married a wk ago, and her daughter was the Flower Girl. Today I received a call from Mandy, she and Wayne were stuck in the Portland airport. Oregon had an unexpected winter storm hit this afternoon....and they were to start their honeymoon today. They flew into the Portland International Airport but with all the snow, ice, freezing rain, sleet and wind gusts up to 60 mph their next flight was delayed. She called a few hours later to ask me to pray with her....she said they had boarded the plane...the flight crew were rushing around trying to get everyone settled so they could be ready for take off when a forecasted 30 minute break in the weather happened. I called her about 45 minutes later and her voice mail answered, I checked the airline website and their flight has the status of "in flight" so I am guessing they are finally headed to Hawaii...which is a good thing because she was dressed for Hawaii, not a snow and ice storm!

Happy Honeymooning you two....enjoy the warm weather of Hawaii, when you get home you are gonna have to shovel snow to get up your driveway!

2 Secrets:

At Monday, December 19, 2005 12:53:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous Shared the joy...

she's so lovely! best wishes to the newly weds. c",)

At Monday, December 19, 2005 8:27:00 AM, Blogger Dallas Shared the joy...

Ditto from Dallas. Hee Hee


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