Friday, December 02, 2005

The joy of traditions

Wednesday night was "trim the tree night" at our kids' house here in town. Each year we gather at their house, dig out the ornaments and decorate their tree. Everyone has a job: Grandpa puts the hangers on the ornaments, I "foof" the ribbons and bows, Albert and Angela put the lights on. The kids hang the ornaments.

This year the rules changed and things were just a bit different. Rex is just about as tall as mom and dad so he helped his dad put the lights on the tree. Angela just got a new digital camera last week so she was trying it out and was the photographer for the evening. Kaitlyn, Tristan, Ed and I all kept our same old jobs: Ed was the hanger fastener, I foofed..Katie and TK hung.

Albert, Angela, Kaitlyn, Rex, Tristan

After the tree was done...and looking beautiful by the way...

we had our cookies and hot chocolate and too many laughs to count!

What a perfect, perfect evening...and more memories to treasure.

Kaitlyn, Me, Rex, Grandpa, Tristan

2 Secrets:

At Sunday, December 04, 2005 11:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous Shared the joy...

what a beautiful family. blessings to all of you.

At Tuesday, December 06, 2005 8:49:00 AM, Blogger sparrow's song Shared the joy...

They did a great job on the tree. I hope your Christmas is truly blessed.


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Blessings! from Pam...

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