Saturday, January 07, 2006

I've had enough of this....

Today on our way home from Tristan's wrestling meet we encountered another disturbing event. We had just turned onto the highway but were still in the city limits. All of the sudden police cars were screaming by us. Ok, go get those bad guys. As we came around a corner 2 policemen jumped out of their cars, guns drawn. They had surrounded a car with a couple of people in was the whole, put your hands up...don't move scene.

It all happened in a split second. I had no place to go but to drive right past the ordeal, in the line of fire. Thankfully they did not fire, thankfully the road cleared out in a hurry and whatever happened happened without us.

We listened to the news tonight, but like I have said before...we live in a very rural area and there is no local new broadcasts during the wknds.

I really wanna go back to my boring, sleepy little town. REALLY I DO

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